Harnessing Lunar Energies: First Quarter to New Moon

Let’s delve into the mystical energies of the moon phases—the dance between light and shadow, growth and release.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of the first quarter moon transitioning into the New Moon, infusing our lives with fresh intentions and renewed purpose.

1. The First Quarter Moon: Momentum and Decision-Making

The first quarter moon marks a pivotal moment in the lunar cycle. As the moon waxes toward fullness, it invites us to take action, make decisions, and propel our intentions forward.

Here’s how you can tap into its energies:

Meditation: Aligning with Growth

  1. Grounding: Imagine roots extending from your body, anchoring you to the Earth. Feel stability and support.

  2. Breath Awareness: Focus on your breath. Inhale deeply, exhale fully. Visualise expansion, mirroring the moon’s waxing phase.

  3. Intention Setting: Reflect on your goals. What seeds have you planted during the new moon? What’s sprouting now?

  4. Guidance: Invite inner wisdom. Trust that answers lie within.

  5. Mantra: Repeat, “I am aligned with growth and clarity.”

2. The Moon Mantra: Receiving Guidance

“My energy is clear, and I am open to receiving guidance.”

3. The Transition Ritual: Honouring Fresh Beginnings

Affirmations or Mantras
Write positive statements reinforcing your intentions. Repeat them throughout the day or during your ritual.

Crystal Charging

  1. Place your crystals or sacred objects under the moonlight. Let them absorb the energy of growth and manifestation.

  2. Visualise their transformation, just as the moon morphs.

Energy Work

  1. Practice Reiki or other energy healing modalities.

  2. Release stagnant energy, inviting fresh currents to flow.

Yoga and Meditation

  1. Engage in poses that promote movement forward.

  2. Focus on your golden solar plexus chakra (at your breastbone) —the seat of personal power.

Remember, the moon’s energy is always available, whether visible or not. As above, so below. 🌙✨
Feel free to adapt this ritual to your personal beliefs and practices.

May the moon’s magic guide you toward new beginnings and illuminate your path. 🌟🌚

Join me at my upcoming Moonrise Retreat - Find out more here: https://suzycherub.com/moonrise

Join Suzy Cherub every Tuesday at 1:11 pm in the private Facebook group – The Temple of Intuition, for Moon Magic: A Free Weekly Virtual Circle of Meditation and Manifestation.

Author Suzy Cherub - Art by Laila Savolainen from the soon-to-be-released Moon Temple Oracle 2024.

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