Flow and Glow Moon Gazers and Ocean Chasers!

On Saturday, September 10, 2022, at 20:59 at Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST): Pisces Moon calls on you to conjure up and your flowy and glowy dreams into reality!

Mystical energy is peaking during this flowy Full Moon and here’s how to best harness the magnified manifestation power!

Suzy’s Tips:

  • Align your desires to your core values and tantalising dreams.

  • Be fluid like water! Intuit the easiest and most beneficial way to attain your imaginings.

  • Don’t talk yourself out of accomplishing your deepest desires.

  • Embrace your intuitive sensitivities, to be emotionally aware and gracious. Sense your way to fully experience life and love.

  • Open your heart and mind to receive optimal opportunities.

  • Listen to your intuitive knowing’s to determine your Truth.

  • Everything is an intuitive sign! Seek the spiritual meaning in the secret language, symbols and messages revealed to you.

As a Piscean Priestess, I have always felt a deep resonance to the element of water and Moon magic.

Water symbolises the sacred value of life and the spiritual dimension of purification, insight and transformation. It represents emotional release, restoration and soul connection.

The Moon creates the ocean tides! All water is attracted to the Moon, and as we are mainly water our magnetic pull to the glowing orb is absolute. Attuning to the moon harmonises our natural cycles, amplifies our mystical gifts, and dream weaving is magnified during the Full Moon in Pisces. Dare to dream big!

Throughout my adventures, awake and dreaming, I have journeyed to many Water Temples all around our glorious earth mother. At these sacred water sites, I have experienced a profound soul remembering with an intensely spiritual experience. Communicating with the Temple guardians to receive and share their enlightening messages of hope, healing and renewal is such a divine blessing.

May you flow gracefully into a sea of love — Magical lunar blessings,

Suzy Cherub

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