Suzy’s Mediumship High-level Steps:

  • Raising your vibration. This means elevating your energy and consciousness to a higher frequency that is more compatible with the spirit realm. You can do this by meditating, praying, chanting, singing, dancing, or any other activity that makes you feel joyful and connected to your inner self and the divine source.


  • Establishing a link. This is the process of connecting with a specific spirit or a group of spirits who want to communicate with you. You can do this by setting an intention, asking for guidance, or using a tool such as a pendulum, tarot cards, or a crystal ball. You can also ask for signs, symbols, or synchronicities that confirm the presence of the spirit.


  • Having an interactive - telepathic conversation with spirit. This is the core of mediumship, where you receive messages from the spirit through your intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, or claircognizance. You can also ask questions, share your feelings, or express your gratitude to the spirit. The communication is usually non-verbal and based on images, sounds, sensations, or impressions that you perceive in your mind or body.


  • Collecting evidence. This is the step where you validate the information that you receive from the spirit by asking for details, such as their name, age, appearance, personality, occupation, hobbies, cause of death, or relationship to you or the person you are reading for. You can also ask for specific facts, such as dates, locations, events, or memories that only the spirit or the person you are reading for would know.


  • Bringing Spirit alive. This is the step where you share the messages and the evidence that you receive from the spirit with the person you are reading for, or with yourself if you are doing a self-reading. You can also describe the emotions, feelings, or sensations that you experience during the communication, such as love, peace, joy, or healing. The goal is to bring the spirit alive in the mind and heart of the person you are reading for, or yourself, and to create a meaningful and memorable connection.


  • Healing messages. This is the final step where you deliver the healing messages that the spirit wants to convey to the person you are reading for, or to yourself. These messages are usually positive, uplifting, and empowering, and they can offer guidance, support, comfort, or inspiration. They can also help the person you are reading for, or yourself, to heal any grief, guilt, anger, or resentment that you may have towards the spirit or the situation that caused their passing. Be kind and empathetic in your delivery.

These are the basic steps to mediumship according to Suzy Cherub - Psychic Medium. If you want to learn more about her work, you can visit her website or check out her psychic coaching package.

I hope this information was helpful and interesting for you.

I am at peace in Spirit,

My soul is calm and still,

The world around me fades away,

As I embrace this tranquil thrill.


The chaos of life subsides,

As I find my inner peace,

My heart is filled with gratitude,

And my worries start to cease.


I am at peace in Spirit,

And I know that I am blessed,

For in this moment of serenity,

I have found true happiness.


In grace,

Suzy Xx

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