First Quarter Moon

As the First Quarter Moon casts its half-illuminated glow, I find myself reflecting on the natural progression of life. This lunar phase, a beacon of transition and duality, reminds me that patience truly is a virtue. It’s a time to honour the journey thus far and to trust in the timing of my life’s evolution.

Moon Mantra: “My life evolves at the exact right time.”

This mantra resonates with me as I navigate through the phases of my growth. The moon’s cyclical nature mirrors the ebb and flow of my experiences, teaching me that each step forward is part of a grander design.

Moonlit Codewords: “Grow, Defend, Insulate”

These words have become a guiding light in my life. To grow is to embrace the changes that come, to defend is to protect the sacred space of my intentions, and to insulate is to prepare for the inevitable ups and downs that life presents.

Moon Guide: Mayari

In my moments of contemplation, I call upon Mayari, the ancient Filipino moon goddess, whose qualities of balance, equality, perseverance, and patience inspire me. She stands as a protector of my spiritual quest, ensuring that my energy is preserved as I embark on this glorious adventure.

Moonbeam Insight:

Progress is a subtle but powerful force. It’s easy to become fixated on the end goal and overlook the beauty of the journey. But when I pause to reflect, I am often surprised by how far I’ve come. Each small win, each step of advancement, is a testament to my ever-evolving growth.

The journey is indeed more rewarding than the outcome. If my wishes were to manifest instantly, I would miss the joy found in the incremental improvements and milestones along the way. It’s not just about reaching the destination; it’s about who I become as I walk the path.

The Journey:

My journey is about shaping my soul’s evolution through the experiences I encounter. It’s about creating a nurturing environment, surrounding myself with supportive individuals, and forging collaborative connections that ensure mutual success.

Setting healthy boundaries has been crucial for staying focused and aligned with my divine plan. Learning to say ‘no thanks’ to distractions, detaching from negative chatter, and maintaining a positive mindset have all contributed to a ‘can do’ attitude that supports my vision.

As I weather the storms, I do so with a shield of optimism, always maintaining a solution-based outlook to arise triumphantly from any challenge.

In sharing these reflections, I hope to inspire others to trust in their natural progression, to celebrate their growth, and to embrace the journey with patience and grace. The First Quarter Moon is a reminder that an uplevel is not too far away, and for that, I am truly thankful. – Suzy

Author: Suzy Cherub
The art is from the soon-to-be-released Moon Temple Oracle by Laila Savolainen

Published by Blue Angel Publishing

There are a couple of spots left for the MOONRISE RETREAT – A Lunar Adventure for the Soul! See the luminous details here: -

Join me for a FREE virtual Moon Circle in my private FB Group every Tuesday 1:11 PM AEST – Recording available. Link here: -

Lunar Love, Suzy Xx

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