Welcome to "Ask the Oracle!” Podcast.

I'm your host, Suzy Cherub. If you're ready to explore the secrets of the universe, connect with the unseen forces that guide our lives, and unveil the wisdom of the ages, you're in the right place! 

In this podcast, we'll dive deep into the world of oracles, mystics, and the profound art of divination. We'll explore ancient practices, intuitive insights, and the cosmic dance that shapes our destinies. Whether you're a seasoned seeker or a curious soul, this podcast is for you.

Have you ever wondered what the stars have to say about your path? Or how the oracle or tarot cards can reveal hidden truths? Maybe you've felt the pull of synchronicities, those magical moments when the universe whispers directly to your heart. Well, my friend, you're about to embark on an ascension journey that will ignite your intuition and expand your consciousness. 

As an intuitive coach, psychic medium, and lover of all things mystical, I've spent many years connecting with spirit guides, channelling messages, and deciphering the cosmic codes. 

But this podcast isn't just about me—it's about us. Together, we'll unravel the mysteries, ask the tough questions, and seek the answers that lie beyond the veil.

So, grab your favourite crystal, light a candle, and join me as we explore the spiritual realms of Oracles, Mystics, and Wayshowers. We'll discuss everything from astrology to numerology, from pendulums to tea leaves. And yes, we'll even chat about that mysterious neighbour who always seems to know when it's going to rain.

Thank you for tuning in. Remember, you are a cosmic being with infinite potential. 

Let's awaken the oracle within, shall we? 

Subscribe now to "Ask the Oracle" with Suzy Cherub, and let the magic unfold.

Until next time, my fellow seekers, keep your hearts open and your third eyes wide. So may it be so, in love, grace and gratitude. 

I hope this trailer leaves you captivated!  Remember to subscribe and stay tuned for more mystical insights on; - 

“Ask the Oracle”. 🌟✨

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  • Follow me on Instagram at @suzycherub

  • Download your free Star Temple Oracle here

  • Book a one-to-one Psychic Reading here

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