Maia Starcode

Ancient Wisdom Embodiment – Spiritual Transcendence    

Awakening the primordial memory within, nurtures the connection to your inherited wisdom. 

Call Maia into your life to reclaim, fully integrate and exemplify your sacredness with multi-faceted synergy of your heart, mind and soul within your divine Temple – body. 

Maia reveals ancestral sage knowledge imbedded within your own lineage. As the ancient grandmother of the Pleiades, she encourages past, present and future healing on all levels across infinite dimensions. 

When you renew yourself, you also heal your ancestors, up and down your family tree. Courageously reframing the pain from the past reconciles generational patterns and breaks dysfunctional patterns reinstating a state of grace. 

Ever-evolving! Identifying the core reasons of past pain is an opportunity to learn and grow. 

Remember the physical temple has an innate wisdom to regenerate continually; your blood, bones, skin, hair, organs and energetic aura is all designed to heal. Everything is connected and all you need to know is already inside of you. Your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual aspects are interrelated, so listen to the inborn wisdom of your whole being to cultivate proactive wellbeing. Seek out holistic healing modalities that support multi-dimensional transformation to accelerate your healing journey for true spiritual liberation. 

Cosmic Union Integration – Ecstatic Communion 

The eldest sister of the Pleiades - Maia, inspires you to amalgamate the sacred feminine and masculine psyche within to magnetise and fully embrace the cosmic union you may be yearning for. 

The sacredness of the feminine and masculine energies has absolutely nothing to do with male or female chromosomes. Totally, irrespective and respectful of your preferred pronoun, gender and sexuality you may wish to attune the divine union within to feel more balanced and inspired. 

This cosmic union may be the start of a new relationship, the transformation of an existing one but ultimately it is the sacred marriage within yourself that is the most advantageous consequence. 

Maia clarifies, there is no such thing as a utopic union, as all relationships are your best teachers, nevertheless, there certainly is a vast sliding scale of compatibility and depth of love. 

Maia reassures you that a relationship does not validate your divine wholeness, as you are born complete.  However, if preferred, a co-creative, passionate and intellectually stimulating partnership may enhance your life experience as conscious connection in all its perceptions and aspects marries the mind, body and soul. Relationships offer endless opportunities for profound soul learning, as multifaceted love inspires spiritual growth through the cyclic lessons and thrilling ecstasy of a sacred union. 

KNOW THYSELF! A passionate, loving and like-minded connection starts with thyself! Without a doubt the best relationship you can ever have been the one you have inside yourself. Wholehearted living takes a braveheart! 

As within, so without! Balancing divine essences within, attracts it without. It’s time to meet yourself at a deeper level! Your dominant frequency magnetises the quality of love in your cosmos.  A personal pledge to your holistic wellbeing underpins the soul union. Marrying yourself with compassionate commitment and deep loving devotion is a compelling way to ignite the twin flame within.  

Radical self-realisation leads you to intentionally create mental, emotional, physical and spiritual balance to inspire soulful transcendence. A hard-hitting truth to fully grasp is knowing everything in your relationship sphere up until now, you’ve attracted somehow. The good, bad and the ugly you captivated into your life for reflective divine progression. Stop telling yourself lies! Ceaseless self-compassion and deep-seeded self-responsibility fast-tracks your soul’s evolution. 

Cosmic shifts transpire with life’s initiations naturally, though more conscious balance is an intentional quest. Experiencing euphoric Oneness unity transmutes limiting beliefs, patterns and fears. Feeling this liberating synergy reawakens wholehearted self and universal love, inevitably giving, receiving and feeling love flows freely. Filling up your sacred vessel overflows with alluring love. It’s not always easy but the rewards are infinite, as spiritual evolution can be challenging at times, nonetheless overcoming the imbalances can be tremendously fulfilling. 

This cosmic union is destined for greatness! A twin soul, twin flame or rainbow flame premise is a captivating connection often referred to as a mirror-soul, believed to be your true love or other half. When you connect with your twin flame it’s like looking deeply into a multi-faceted mirror, that reflects back to you your true essence, strengths and weaknesses.  Your other half triggers a soul awakening by reflecting and amplifying the trials of the soul’s journey. The twin flame relationship can be overwhelmingly challenging hence the ‘mirror’ learning reference, paradoxically this cosmic union arouses ecstatic euphoria. 

The twin flame concept designates one soul divides into two bodies to solely experience life lessons over countless incarnations. By going their separate ways, they double the learning opportunities. Separately each soul’s journey is independent of each other, however if they do coalesce with unfinished business the magnetic pull although exhilarating can be unbelievably exasperating and sometimes even toxic due to the mismatched progress. Fixating over your twin flame only suspends the coming together.  The multi-faceted connection shared is intensely passionate, loving and like-minded, communicating telepathically on a higher dimension regardless of space and time. 

Unfortunately, you cannot bypass or rush the life lessons! The whole point of the twin soul union is spiritual growth and ultimately ascension. A major life lesson denotes unconditional self-love. Each half is a whole, realising this is a momentous insight to fully embrace love of self. Giving, receiving and feeling love in all its facets freely is essential to the cosmic union. 

Marrying the yin and yang within, attracts it without, balancing the divine masculine and feminine spiritual traits unifies the soul, this unification integrates the soul fragments and ultimately spiritual enlightenment. 

Waiting passively for your twin soul to be ready is senseless, as it may take eons and eons so just get on with it. Other relationships including significant soulmate partnerships, which are different to twin flames accelerate the progression and soul-reunion. To clarify, you only have one twin soul but you can have many noteworthy soulmates. All relationship learning is substantial to the soul awakening. 

The last lifetime twin flames reunite harmoniously with a dual mission to uplift the collective vibration. At this final curtain call, your qualities and strengths seamlessly balance each other out. Finally reunited with their spiritual collaboration complete, they ascend as one soul into a state of ecstatic grace, forever upholding soul-unity and Oneness consciousness. 

"Star Temple Oracle" has been birthed to support your learning, creativity, awareness, and growth. Connect with the eternal knowing of the stars and let your intuition flow.

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Written for the Star Temple Oracle Guidebook 

Author: Suzy Cherub 

Artwork by Laila Savolainen 

Published by Blue Angel 

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