Imbolc Blessings


Ever-evolving with the seasons of change, sunshine peeks through, fresh sprouts and buds renew the spirit! Young, fresh life springs from the melting, thawing and refreshed soil. Uncoiling to stretch from winters dark slumber and inertia up towards rays of light. 

Imbolc, is halfway between Yule, the Winter Solstice and Ostara, the Spring Equinox. 

At the start of August in the Southern Hemisphere the promise of new life, brings fresh hope. 


In my hometown Canberra on Ngunnawal Country, golden wattle flower inaugurates Imbolc celebrations. Sensing the inspiring new life in the sacred earth, the approaching onset of Spring and the ousting of winter it’s time to express joy. 

Imbolc aligns to the renewed maiden embodiment of the triple goddess and has loving ties to Celtic Goddess Brigid. Playful and inquisitive, the young Maiden dances with the honey bees, birds, butterflies and darling lambs fertilising the blossoms. Amber, cardamon, candles, lavender and golden wildflowers beautify my Imbolc altar. 



  • Seed and sprout new ideas! Enlighten your intuitive creativity! Imbolc is a Divine time for planting seeds and to nurture inner seeds of growth; to foresee dreams and inspire creativity. A fresh perspective, insightful planning and an optimistic outlook magnetises exhilarating openings. Create a wish list, Vision board or gratitude journal. Consciously create beautiful new beginnings with a joyful heart and see your seeds grow.

  • Seeds rise and grow by shedding their husks. Spring cleaning makes physical and energetic space for beautiful new beginnings. De-cluttering sweeps away the old; to make way for the new. Shedding and shifting the winter wadding to lighten up ready for the sunnier seasons. Preparing to re-emerge from Winter caves and Covid to spring into Spring. Making space in all areas of your life calls in abundant blessings. Out with the old; in with the new!

  • Raise your seeds by nourishing the soil with fertiliser, water and the sunshine will do the rest. Love, support and care for your new creations. Faith in motion grows abundant ventures. Focus on the creative process with enthusiasm and positivity. Consistent momentum builds magical ascension. Forever evolving with the seasons and cycles of life. Release any limiting beliefs, sabotaging patterns and lack mentality to flourish and flow.


Focus, Motion, Ascent 

The Summer Wind Faery blows away the cobwebs of winter, so you emerge blissfully rested and enthusiastic for the new life the warmer months bring. 

As you ascend to tremendous heights on the summer wind, your creative concepts take flight. 

This new lease on life fills you with euphoric exhilaration. Tuning into the transmission of joy, magnetises never-ending opportunities. Enjoying each moment and the entire whirlwind of life is the secret for success. 

Flowing with the natural cycles and seasons creates harmonious momentum. This synergy in motion accelerates your accomplishments and results in extravagant rewards. 

Taking action on your inspirational ideas entices a myriad of gifts into your life. Consistent momentum with a high-spirited attitude, manifests many miracles. 

Do not talk yourself out of the good stuff! 

You know what you need to do. 

Maintain a high vibrational energetic flow to attract a successful outcome. Do not get distracted by shiny things that take you off your flight path. Release all self-sabotaging behaviours to the Summer Wind Faery. The entire faery realm has your back! Welcome support and assistance from your faery guides and others along the way. Delegate to qualified and experienced helpers where appropriate. Focus on your strengths, gifts and interests, then continue with self-assurance, unwavering faith and eagerness knowing that your faery friends are gently guiding you. 

Affirmation: My joy creates abundance.

From the newly released published publication the Faery Temple Oracle 

Author - Suzy Cherub 

Artwork by Christine Karron


2 August 2021  

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