How to Create Conscious Change and Manage Imposed Change

Change is inevitable in life. We all experience changes in our circumstances, relationships, health, career, and personal growth. Some changes are conscious, meaning that we choose to initiate them or participate in them willingly. Other changes are imposed, meaning that they happen to us without our consent or control. How we respond to change can have a significant impact on our well-being, happiness, and spiritual awakening.

Creating Conscious Change

Conscious change is the process of intentionally creating or accepting a change that aligns with our values, goals, and purpose. Conscious change can be challenging, but it can also be rewarding and empowering. Some examples of conscious change are:

Pursuing a new career path that fulfils our passion and potential

Ending a toxic relationship that drains our energy and self-esteem

Adopting a healthier lifestyle that improves our physical and mental health

Moving to a new place that offers more opportunities and diversity

Learning a new skill that expands our knowledge and creativity

To create conscious change, we need to have a clear vision of what we want to achieve, why we want to achieve it, and how we can achieve it.

We also need to have the courage to take action, the perseverance to overcome obstacles, and the flexibility to adapt to changing situations. Creating conscious change requires us to be proactive, responsible, and self-motivated.

Managing Imposed Change

Imposed change is the process of coping with or adjusting to a change that is forced upon us by external factors. Imposed change can be stressful, painful, and frightening. Some examples of imposed change are:

Losing a loved one to death or divorce

Facing a serious illness or injury that affects our health and mobility

Experiencing a natural disaster or a pandemic that disrupts our normalcy and safety

Being laid off or fired from a job that provides our income and security

Witnessing a social or political upheaval that threatens our rights and freedom

To manage imposed change, we need to have a positive attitude, a strong support system, and a resilient spirit.

We also need to have the acceptance to acknowledge the reality of the situation, the compassion to heal our wounds and emotions, and the wisdom to learn from the experience.

Managing imposed change requires us to be reactive, adaptable, and resourceful

Trust the process of the change. Believe that everything happens for a reason and that the change is part of your soul’s journey and evolution. Surrender to the flow of the universe, and let go of your need to control or resist the change.

Listen to your intuition about the change. Tune in to your inner voice, your gut feeling, and your heart’s wisdom. They will guide you to the best course of action and the most beneficial outcome for you and others. Follow your intuition, even if it goes against logic or expectations.

Seek spiritual guidance from your higher power, your angels, your spirit guides, or your ancestors. They are always with you, supporting you and helping you through the change. Ask them for signs, messages, or synchronicities that can confirm, clarify, or inspire you. Trust their guidance, and thank them for their assistance.

Heal your emotions that are triggered by the change. Change can bring up feelings of fear, anger, sadness, or guilt. Acknowledge and express your emotions, without judging or suppressing them. Release them with forgiveness, compassion, and love. Heal your emotions, and transform them into positive energy.

Embrace the opportunities that come with the change. Change can open new doors, create new possibilities, and reveal new potential. Explore the opportunities that the change offers, and seize them with enthusiasm and optimism. Embrace the opportunities, and expand your horizons.

Nurture your spirit by practising spiritual activities and rituals. Change can be draining, but you can replenish your spirit by connecting with your source and your essence. Try some meditation, prayer, affirmations, or gratitude. Read some spiritual books, listen to some uplifting music, or watch some inspiring videos.

Connect with your soul community of like-minded and like-hearted people. Change can be lonely, but you can find comfort and joy in your soul tribe. Reach out to people who share your values, beliefs, and vision. Share your stories, insights, and wisdom with them, and learn from theirs.

Navigating a Spiritual Awakening

A spiritual awakening is a profound shift in our consciousness, awareness, and perception of ourselves and the world. A spiritual awakening can be triggered by either conscious or imposed change or by a combination of both. A spiritual awakening can be a beautiful and transformative journey, but it can also be a confusing and challenging one. Some signs of a spiritual awakening are:

Feeling a deeper connection with our true self, our soul, and our higher power

Experiencing a heightened sense of intuition, synchronicity, and guidance

Developing a greater compassion, empathy, and love for ourselves and others

Seeking a higher purpose, meaning, and mission in life

Exploring new perspectives, beliefs, and practices that resonate with our soul

To navigate a spiritual awakening, we need to have a curious mind, an open heart, and a trusting soul. We also need to have the courage to follow our inner voice, the humility to seek help and guidance, and the gratitude to appreciate the gifts and lessons. Navigating a spiritual awakening requires us to be intuitive, authentic, and inspired.

Rising Wiser, Stronger, and More Powerful

Change is not something to be feared or avoided, but rather something to be embraced and welcomed.

Change is an opportunity to grow, evolve, and transform. Change is a catalyst for our spiritual awakening. By creating conscious change and managing imposed change, we can navigate our spiritual awakening and rise wiser, stronger, and more powerful. We can become the best version of ourselves and live the life that we truly desire and deserve.

A psychic and medium like Suzy Cherub can help you navigate change by providing you with insight, guidance, and healing.

Suzy has helped thousands of people around the world with her intuitive readings, mediumship sessions, and spiritual coaching.

Some of the benefits of consulting a psychic and medium like Suzy Cherub are:

You can gain clarity and direction about your life purpose, career, relationships, health, and spirituality. Suzy Cherub can use her psychic abilities to tap into your energy field and access information that can help you make conscious and empowered decisions.

You can connect with your loved ones who have passed away and receive messages of love, comfort, and validation. Suzy Cherub can use her mediumship skills to communicate with the spirit world and deliver evidence and messages that can help you heal your grief and find closure.

You can enhance your intuition and spiritual awareness and learn how to trust your inner guidance. Suzy Cherub can use her spiritual coaching to teach you how to develop your own psychic and mediumship abilities and how to use them for your personal and professional growth.

If you are interested in booking a session with Suzy Cherub, you can visit her website or follow her on social media. She offers online and in-person sessions, as well as workshops, courses, and events.


Photography by Allessandia - Empower HQ

Water Temple Oracle

Author - Suzy Cherub

Artist - Laila Savolainen

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