How the Moon Phases Impact and Affect Your Intuitive Senses and Vibration

I am the Moon, I am the light I trust my intuition,

I feel my vibration I embrace the change,

I honour the cycle I am the soul,

I am the whole

The moon is a powerful celestial body that influences the tides, the seasons, and the cycles of life on Earth. But did you know that the moon also affects your intuition and vibration?

Your intuition is your inner guidance system, your ability to sense and perceive beyond the physical realm. Your vibration is your energy frequency, your state of being and feeling.

Both your intuition and vibration are influenced by the energy of the moon, which changes according to its phases.

In this article, we will explore how the different moon phases positively impact and affect your intuitive senses, and how you can use them to enhance your spiritual growth and well-being.

The New Moon: A Time of New Beginnings

The new moon is the first phase of the lunar cycle when the moon is completely dark and invisible in the night sky. It marks a new beginning, a fresh start, and a blank slate. The new moon is a time of potential, possibility, and creation. It is a time to tune in to your intuition and listen to your inner voice. What do you want to create in your life? What are your dreams and desires? What are you ready to manifest?

The new moon is a great time to set intentions, to plant seeds for the future, and to align yourself with your highest vision. You can use your intuition to guide you in choosing what you want to focus on, and what you want to let go of. You can also use your intuition to help you visualise your desired outcome and feel the emotions that come with it. The new moon is a time to trust your intuition and act on your inspiration. You may feel more creative, inspired, and optimistic during this phase.

Some ways to work with the new moon energy are:

  • Meditate and connect with your intuition. Ask yourself what you want to create, and listen to the answers that come from within.

  • Journal and write down your intentions, your goals, and your dreams. Be as specific and clear as possible, and use positive and present tense language.

  • Do a ritual to manifest your intentions. You can use candles, crystals, herbs, essential oils, oracle cards or any other tools that resonate with you. You can also say affirmations, prayers, or chants to support your intentions.

  • Create a vision board or a collage that represents your intentions. Use images, words, symbols, or anything else that inspires you. Place it somewhere where you can see it often, and feel the emotions that it evokes.

The Waxing Moon: A Time of Growth and Action

The waxing moon is the second phase of the lunar cycle when the moon is growing, expanding and gradually increasing in light and visibility. It lasts from the new moon to the full moon, and it represents growth, action, and manifestation. The waxing moon is a time to take steps towards your goals, work on your projects, and make positive changes in your life. It is a time to put your intentions into motion and to see the results of your efforts.

The waxing moon is a time to use your intuition to guide you in taking action and to trust your intuition to lead you to the right opportunities, people, and resources. You can sense with your psychic gifts to help you make decisions, to solve problems, and to overcome challenges. You can also use your intuition to help you stay focused, motivated, and confident. You may feel more confident, motivated, and energetic during this phase.

Some ways to work with the waxing moon energy are:

  • Affirm and visualise your intentions. Repeat positive statements that affirm your intentions, and imagine yourself achieving them. Feel the emotions that come with your success, and act as if you already have what you want.

  • Take action and follow your intuition. Do something every day that brings you closer to your goals, and follow your intuitive nudges. Be open to new possibilities, and say yes to opportunities that align with your intentions.

  • Practice gratitude and appreciation. Express gratitude for what you have, and for what you are attracting. Appreciate the progress you are making, and the signs and synchronicities that show you are on the right track.

The Full Moon: A Time of Completion and Illumination

The full moon is the third phase of the lunar cycle when the moon is fully illuminated and visible in the night sky. It marks the completion, the culmination, and the peak of the cycle. The full moon is a time of celebration, release, and reflection. It is a time to celebrate your achievements, to release what no longer serves you, and to reflect on your progress. It is a time to acknowledge how far you have come, and to prepare for the next cycle.

The full moon is a time to use your intuition to help you see clearly, to reveal what is hidden, and to illuminate what needs to be healed. You can use your intuition to help you identify what you need to let go of, what you need to forgive, and what you need to heal. You can also use your intuition to help you receive guidance, insights, and messages from your intuitive self, your guides, or your angels. You may feel more emotional, sensitive, and intuitive during this phase.

Some ways to work with the full moon energy are:

  • Meditate and connect with your intuition. Ask yourself what you need to release, and listen to the answers that come from within. Ask for guidance, insights, and messages, and pay attention to your dreams, visions, and impressions.

  • Journal and write down what you want to release, what you want to forgive, and what you want to heal. Be honest and compassionate with yourself, and acknowledge your feelings and emotions.

  • Do a ritual to release what you want to let go of. You can use candles, crystals, herbs, essential oil blends, oracle cards or any other tools that resonate with you. You can also say affirmations, prayers, or chants to support your release.

  • Burn or bury what you want to release. You can write down what you want to release on a piece of paper, and then burn it or bury it in the earth. This symbolises letting go of what no longer serves you and making space for new energy.

The Waning Moon: A Time of Rest and Healing

The waning moon is the fourth and final phase of the lunar cycle when the moon is gradually decreasing in light and visibility. It lasts from the full moon to the new moon, and it represents rest, healing, and integration. The waning moon is a time to relax, to recharge, and to take care of yourself. It is a time to heal your body, mind, and soul, and to integrate the lessons and experiences of the cycle. It is a time to restore your energy, and to prepare for the next cycle. The waning moon is a time to use your intuition to help you heal, balance, and harmonise. You can use your intuition to help you identify what you need to heal, what you need to balance, and what you need to harmonise. You can also use your intuition to help you choose the best healing methods, practices, and modalities for you. You may feel more calm, peaceful, and introspective during this phase.

Some ways to work with the waning moon energy are:

  • Meditate and connect with your intuition. Ask yourself what you need to heal, balance, and harmonise, and listen to the answers that come from within. Ask for healing, balance, and harmony, and receive them with gratitude and love.

  • Journal and write down what you need to heal, balance, and harmonise. Be gentle and kind with yourself, and acknowledge your needs and desires.

  • Do a ritual to heal, balance, and harmonise. You can use candles, crystals, herbs, or any other tools that resonate with you. You can also say affirmations, prayers, or chants to support your healing, balance, and harmony.

  • Try a healing method, practice, or modality that suits you. You can try yoga, reiki, dancing, meditation, aromatherapy, or any other healing method, practice, or modality that appeals to you. You can also listen to soothing music, read a book, listen to a podcast, or do anything else that makes you feel good.

The moon phases are a natural and powerful way to connect with your intuition and vibration and enhance your spiritual growth and well-being.

By working with the energy of each phase, you can align yourself with the natural rhythms of the universe, and create a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

You can use your intuition to guide you in choosing the best ways to work with the moon phases and to customise them to your own needs and preferences.

You can also use your intuition to help you learn from each cycle and to prepare for the next one. The moon phases are a wonderful gift that you can use to enrich your life and to express your true self.

The Moon is a guide, a light in the dark

She whispers to us, her wisdom and spark

She teaches us how to trust our intuition

And how to tune in to our inner vibration

She shows us the cycles of death and rebirth

The ebb and flow of life on Earth

She rises and sets, waxing and waning

She reminds us that change is always sustaining

She is the mother, the lover, the friend

She is with us from beginning to end

She is the Moon, the silver and blue

She is the reflection of our soul's true hue In Lunar Love, Grace and Magic,

Suzy Xx

A sneaky teaser for the Moon Temple Oracle is due to be launched in 2024.

This magnificent art is by my dear friend and collaborator Laila Savolainen.

Do you resonate with this magical oracle card art titled – Creation?


All retreat participants will be gifted the Moon Temple Oracle and lots more hidden extras.



©Suzy Cherub 2023

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