Shapeshifting: An Intuitive Gift for the Soul

Shapeshifting is the ability to change one’s appearance, behaviour, or energy to suit different situations and environments. It is a natural and innate gift that many people possess, but may not be aware of. Shapeshifting is not only a physical phenomenon, but also a spiritual and psychological one. It is a way of expressing one’s soul and connecting with others.

Shapeshifting can be seen as a form of intuition, which is the ability to perceive and understand things beyond the ordinary senses. Intuition is a powerful tool that can help us navigate through life with more ease and clarity. It can also help us access our higher self, which is the source of our true essence and purpose.

Shapeshifters are able to read people and situations with their intuition and become what is needed in any given situation. They can intuitively communicate, adapt, and blend in or stand out. They can be flexible and versatile, and adjust to different roles and expectations. They can also be empathetic and compassionate, and sense the emotions and needs of others.

Shapeshifting can be a great asset for personal growth and transformation, as well as for social and professional success. Shapeshifters can learn from different experiences and perspectives, and expand their horizons and potentials. They can also create positive changes in the world, by being changemakers, compassionate communicators, and wayshowers.

However, shapeshifting also has its challenges and pitfalls. Shapeshifters may lose their sense of identity and authenticity, by becoming what people need them to be, rather than who they really are. They may also compromise their values and integrity, by conforming to external pressures and expectations. They may also experience confusion and exhaustion, by constantly changing and adapting to different situations and environments.

Therefore, shapeshifters need to be mindful and aware of their shapeshifting tendencies and balance them with their inner truth and core self. They need to remember that shapeshifting is a gift, not a curse, and use it wisely and responsibly. They need to honour their own needs and desires and express their own voice and vision. They need to reconnect with their soul and align their shapeshifting with their soul’s purpose.

I am the Shapeshifter

I can be anything I want to be

I can change my form and energy

To suit the needs of the moment

I am the Shapeshifter

I can read the signs and signals

I can sense the moods and feelings

To connect with the hearts of others

I am the Shapeshifter

I can adapt and adjust

I can blend in or stand out

To create the best outcomes

I am the Shapeshifter

I can learn and grow

I can explore and discover

To expand my potential

I am the Shapeshifter

But I do not forget who I am

I do not lose my essence and purpose

To please the eyes of the world

I am the Shapeshifter

And I honour my gift and soul

I use my intuition and wisdom

To express my true self

Do you resonate with this personification and archetype of the Shapeshifter, Changemaker and Chameleon? Please share in the comments if you have this intuitive gift and how it impacts on your life if guided. Share this post in your feed if you wish.

Be the change!

Namaste, Suzy Xx

Suzy can support you to make conscious, deliberate and intentional changes and positive transformations in your life. She can also help you navigate your life intuitively. See Suzy’s website for her oracle card decks, soulful retreats, events, workshops and 1:1 offerings.

Bookings by appointment only at – Thank you.

Water Temple Oracle - Words by Suzy Cherub - Art by Laila Savolainen

Photography by Allessandia Montana - Empower HQ

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